
Welcome to Astro Milan.

Exclusively Elite Matrimonial Platform.
Mentored by The Most Trusted Astrologer of India!

Why Choose Astro Milan?

Genuine Profiles! Safe & Secure! Astrologically Matched Proposals!

Procure Complete Family Information

Find detailed family information in every profile and take the next step with confidence.

Settle with a Celestial Match

With traditional matchmaking of Ashtkoot milan along with an in-depth analysis of the personalities; finding a match based on compatibility made easy.

Enable Your Search Beyond any Boundaries

Embark on a journey to find your perfect match with the universal language of love.

About Founder Directors

Astro milan is the only matrimonial platform which is exclusively “By invite only”. When it is a matter of the most important event of your life, we ensure that you are interacting only with the best and the most eligible potential partners.

By keeping it exclusive, we ensure that the profiles that are exchanged are completely verified on all grounds.

This is the only platform where the choices are refined and shortlisted based on what the stars foretell; ensuring celestial blessings to the aspiring couple for a happy married life.

Client Testimonials

Our happy clients met their true soul mate through

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John & Mariya
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John & Mariya
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John & Mariya

Ekta Anand

Ekta Anand- A fashion/jewellery designer as well as a women’s rights activist implementing social work through her NGO. A vibrant and joyful individual that can lift up any one’s morale and inspire everyone to bring ideas to fruition. Her passion reflects in her personality and she brings light to every project she is part of. She understands human behaviour and feels Astro Milan as a responsibility for bringing two souls together for a life long commitment.

Vandana Rungta

Vandana Rungta -an accomplished professional in the field of finance and marketing, comes with the rich experience of more than 2 decades. She has also been felicitated several times for her contribution in the startup ecosystem. A visionary with an ability to steer companies towards growth and scalability, she brings with her the wealth of knowledge of the ethos of businesses of the world.

Photo Gallery

We'd love to hear how has helped you to meet your one-and-only soul mate.
It's our favourite part of what we do!

Contact Us

Getting in touch with us to find your perfect match is simple.
Just fill out the form or call us to book an appointment.